I moved to the beautiful land of Palestine in the year 2000, where I lived in the West Bank city of Ramallah, a very small but vibrant town.

Some may think that Palestine must be a scary place, since it is a war-stricken country. Indeed, I have been through some terrifying days.

Despite all that, it is full of events, parties and lots of fun and things to do.

I remember the crowded streets in the downtowns of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho. The smell of frying falafel, grilling shawerma at tiny restaurants, the smell of freshly roasted coffee brewed at coffee shops, cakes being baked and the smell of baking bread near the bakery.

I remember the colorful fruit and vegetable market, with the fresh fruits, and the vendors yelling the prices of each fruit, it was like music to the ears.

I remember the sounds of the bells ringing from the churches and the azan and prayer calling from the mosques.

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If you have some travel photos you would like to share with The Minaret, please e-mail them to minaret.arts@gmail.com

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