Molly Murphy

Being with friends and family, reading, laughing, and enjoying life; these are a few hobbies of P.E.A.C.E. coordinator Molly Murphy.

However, she has another remarkable hobby that continues to shape and better the UT community as well as her own life: volunteering.

A native of Boca Raton, Florida, Murphy grew up with a disability and was fortunate to have people volunteer their time in hopes of improving her life while she struggled with it.

Inspired by these acts of kindness, she started volunteering when she was just eight years old in an effort to give back to those who had changed her life for the better.

“I just pay it forward, giving what I can to others who need help, like I once did, hoping that they will pass on the favor someday,” Murphy said.

Murphy and her family began volunteering at Horses and the Handicapped, an organization that helps children with disabilities to overcome their hardship.

When she visits home for breaks, she continues to work with Horses and the Handicapped.

Murphy has become a student advocate for their riding program, speaking at events in order to get the word out about the benefits of the program and informing people about how they can get involved.

Murphy and her father volunteer at a homeless and transitional shelter in Miami where they serve people meals and play with children. She also attends alternate breaks and continues to do weekly service work though People Exploring Active Community Experience (P.E.A.C.E.).

P.E.A.C.E. is a program based on dedication to service and advocacy. Its members encounter new, rewarding experiences daily through their work.

“In P.E.A.C.E. each of us is free to build on our passions and make them a reality. Getting a chance to be a part of PEACE has truly been a life changing experience that has helped me define myself in many different ways,” Murphy said. “Participating in something like P.E.A.C.E. means change and the belief in a possibility for change through service and helping others.”

“We work closely.” said fellow P.E.A.C.E. member and Alternative Breaks Coordinator Katrina Vidal. “Molly is dedicated and hardworking

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